Philomina, D. Dhanalakshmi. Effectiveness of tango drill on dysthesia and compensatory stepping among people with diabetic peripheral neuropathy. IOSR Journal of Dental and Medical Sciences. July 2024; 23 (7): 50-53.
Anand Babu Kaliyaperumal, Babu subbiah, Paulraj Manickavelu, Dharani j Task-Oriented Progressive Resistance Training Versus Pertubation – Based Balance Training to Improve Balance in Post ACL Reconstruction. African Journal of Biological Sciences (South Africa) 2024; 6268-6284 doi:10.33472/AFJBS.6.5.2024. 6268-6284 (Scopus indexed).
Swetha Kuppusamy, S Ramkumar, Balaji Kuppusamy. A Study to Compare the Effectiveness of Feldenkrais Exercise Versus Pilates Exercise on Functional Disability and Core Muscle Endurance in Subjects with Nonspecific Chronic Low Back Pain. PARIPEX – Indian Journal of Research. June 2024; 13 (6): 1-4.
T. Bharaneedharan, R. Sharmila. Prevalence of dominant and non-dominant shoulder involvement in diabetic periarthritis and severity level of shoulder pain and disability level. International Journal of Science and Research. June 2024: ISSN: 2319-7064.
Paulraj Manickavelu, Lakshna Girija Baskaran, Anand Babu Kaliyaperumal, Santhiya Panneerselvam. Impact of Water-Based Exercises on Mechanical Low Back Pain Among Aquaculture Workers. African Journal of Biological Sciences (South Africa) 2024 May; 4455-4466.10.33472/AFJBS.6.5.2024.4455-4466. (Scopus indexed)
Murugan Dhanushkodi, Vijay Suresh, Revathi Pandurangan. To Compare The Effectiveness Of Bowen’s Techniques Versus Muscle Energy Technique Among Data Entry Operators With Trapezitis. International Journal of Creative Research Thoughts. 2024 May; 12 (5): 762-70.
Malarvizhi, Revathi Pandurangan. Effectiveness between ischemic compression technique versus post isometric relaxation technique on trapezius myofascial trigger point among post-natal women. International journal of research and analytical reviews. May 2024; 11 (2): 158-176.
Hemavathi, T. Bharaneedharan, A. Kirithika. Role of Early Physiotherapy Intervention on Gastrectomy Surgery: A Case Report. International Journal of Science and Research. May 2024; 13 (5): 1796-1798.
D Murugan, Revathi Pandurangan. The Effectiveness of Shank Muscle Training On Ankle Flexibility among Western Toilet Users. IOSR Journal of Dental and Medical Sciences. 2024 May; 23 (5): 14-16.
Bakila Pandurangan, Ramkumar. The Prevalence of Piriformis Syndrome among College Students. International Journal of Scientific Development and Research. 2024 May; 9 (5): 1529-33.
Murugan D, Kaushik S, Lakshna G B. Effect of Dot Drills Exercise on Balance and Agility among Young Male Kabaddi Players. International Journal of Science and Research. 2024 May; 13 (5): 937-39.
Ramkumar, S. Karthick Raja. Effectiveness of Nordic Hamstring Exercise and Positional Release Therapy in Treating Hamstring Tightness with Plantar Fasciitis: A Comparative Study. International Journal of Science and Research. 2024 January; 13 (1): 876-80.
Mohamed Shafiulla, Kirthiga, N. Hemavathi. Effectiveness of Blood Flow Restriction Resistance Training (BFRRT) On Quadriceps and Hamstring Strength Post Anterior Cruciate Ligament Reconstruction (ACLR). Global Journal for Research Analysis. 2024 January; 13 (1): 35-39.
Malarvizhi, R. Gokul. A comparative study to find out the effectiveness of throwers ten exercise Vs High intensity shoulder abduction exercise in subacromian pain syndrome among swimmers. International organization of scientific research. 2023 December; 22 (12): 10-15.
Anand Babu Kaliyaperumal , Hariharan, “A Study to Compare the Effectiveness of the Pilates Method and Gyrotonic Expansion Exercise on Spinal Stability in Subjects with Chronic Low Back Pain” Original Research Paper – Global Journal For Research Analysis VOLUME – 12, ISSUE – 11, NOVEMBER – 2023 • PRINT ISSN No. 2277 – 8160 • DOI : 10.36106/gjra.
Santhosh, S. Varshaa. A prevalence study on anterior knee pain among western and folk dancers in Puducherry: IOSR journal of dental and medical sciences. 2023 October; 22 (10): 07-14.
Anand Babu Kaliyaperumal, Ramkumar, Dharshini Chittybabu. Effectiveness of Nordic Hamstring Exercise versus Bent Leg Raise Technique to Improving Hamstring Flexibility among College Students. International Journal of Research and Analytical Reviews. 2023 July; 10 (3): 765-69.
Anand Babu Kaliyaperumal, S Ramya, Poongodi Anand, “The Effect of Recreational Based Workout Vs Aerobic Workout to Reduce Abdominal Obesity in Post Partum Women” – International Journal of Current Research in Multidisciplinary. VOLUME – 8, ISSUE – 06, JULY – 2023 PP 05-10.
D. Murugan, R. Keerthiga. A Comparative Study to find out the Effectiveness of Jacobson Progressive Muscular Relaxation and Isometric Handgrip Training among Hypertension Patients. International Journal of Science and Research. 2023 June; 12 (6): 1871-74.
Malarvizhi, K. Hemadarani. Effectiveness of anti-gravity exercises with or without schroth therapy on postural kyphosis among female adolescents. International organization of scientific Research. 2023 June; 22 (6):30-35.
Ramkumar, R. Keerthana. Effect of Elastic Band along with Isometric Strengthening Exercise for Achilles Tendon on Sprint Performance among Football Players. International Journal of Science and Research. 2023 June; 12 (6): 1083-86.
T. Bharaneedharan, Mrs. D. Dhanalakshmi, Ms. M. Sheerin Varshini. A study to compare the effectiveness of neurodynamic sliding versus PNF stretching on calf flexibility among bus drivers. International journal of innovative science and research technology. 2023 June; 8 (6).
I. Mohamed Shafiulla, Mr. S. Ramkumar, Miss. N. Hemavathi. A Study on the Effectiveness of Split-Belt Treadmill Training to Improve Cadence in Hemiplegic Cerebral Palsy. International Journal of Novel Research and Development. 2023 June; 8 (6): 209-12.
Malarvizhi, G. Premkumari, A. Kirthiga. A study to compare the effectiveness of L4/L5 zygoapophyseal joint mobilization versus sub occipital muscle inhibition technique on hamstring extensibility in Athletes. International journal of science and Research. 2023 June; 12 (6): 311-16.
Santhosh, B. Abitha. Effectiviness of instrument assisted soft tissue mobilisation for tibialis posterior tendinitis among football players: IOSR journal of dental and medical sciences. 2023 June; 22 (6): 01-05.
J. Dharani, Anand Babu Kaliyaperumal, M. Malarvizhi, “A Multimodal Approach on Osgood-Schlatter Disease – A Case Study”, International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR), Volume 12 Issue 5, May 2023, pp. 1302-1305.
Kirthiga, T. Bharaneedharan. Efficacy of Scapular Dyskinesis Exercises on Functional Improvement for the Patients with Periarthritis Shoulder: International Journal of Science and Research. 2023 May; 12 (5): 2177-84.
Anand Babu Kaliyaperumal, Babu Subbiah, Paulraj Manickavelu. “The Multimodal Exercises on Physical, Functional, Agility, and Perturbation for Post- ACL Reconstruction Among Athlete: Life Sciences-Sports Rehabilitation”. International Journal of Life Science and Pharma Research, 2023 Mar.1;13(2):L175-L185. 10.22376/ijlpr.2023.13.2.L175-L185. (Web of Science)
Simulia Dhinju Benjamin, Jayabharathi N, Paulraj Manickavelu. Significance of Dorsiflexor Training Along with Balance Disc on Jumping Performance and Ankle Functional Ability Among Volleyball Players. International Journal of Health Sciences and Research 2023; 13: 182–189. 10.52403/ijhsr.20230726.
T. Bharaneedharan, Mrs. D. Dhanalakshmi. Efficacy of Proprioceptive neuromuscular facilitation for improving balance in diabetic neuropathy. International journal of creative research thoughts. 2023 May; 11 (5).
Anand Babu Kaliyaperumal, Krishnaprasaad Sekar, Paulraj Manickavelu, Selvaganapathy Senthilmurugan. Effect of Muscle Energy Technique and Stabilization Exercise on Forward Neck and Rounded Shoulder for Elite Swimmers. Indian Journal of Physiotherapy and Occupational Therapy 2023; 17: 1–6. 10.37506/ijpot.v17i1.1896.
Bharaneedharan, S. Harithra, Anbu Priya, M, Hariharan S. Efficacy of Early Rehabilitation of patient with stroke after Aortic Valve Replacement Surgery: A Case Study; NeuroQuantology. September 2022; 20 (11): 3249-3254.
Malarvizhi, M. Faridha. A study to find out the effectiveness of mitchelles relaxation technique along with kegel exercises in alleviating primary dysmenorrhea. International journal of science and Research. 2022 June; 11 (6): 1013-17.
Bharaneedharan, S.M Meharunisha Bee. Prevalance of urinary incontinence in middle aged type II diabetic people in Puducherry. Sri Venkateshwaraa Journal of Health Science. 2022; 1(2): 1-2.
Paulraj Manickavelu, Babu Subbiah, Anand Babu Kaliyaperumal. Prevalence of Diurnal Physical Mobility and Sedentary Behavior among Allied Healthcare College Students in Puducherry, India. International Journal of Epidemiology and Health Sciences 2022; 3: 1. 10.51757/IJEHS.3.3.2022.249173.
Malarvizhi, Vaanmathi. Effectiveness of derby shoulder instability rehabilitation program and thera band exercises on shoulder instability among rifle shooters: A comparative study. International journal of science and Research. 2022 June; 11 (6): 1090-94.
Simulia Dhinju Benjamin, Paulraj Manickavelu. Significance of Specialized Hand Training with Contralateral Head and Neck Positioning on Ipsilateral Grip Strength and Hand Function Among Cerebral Palsy. NeuroQuantology. 2022; 1520-1535. 10.48047/nq.2022.20.19. NQ99140. (Scopus indexed)
Paulraj Manickavelu, Babu Subbiah, Anand Babu Kaliyaperumal, Simulia Dhinju Benjamin. The relationship between daily physical activity and respiratory function, flexibility, and body composition among allied healthcare college students.NeuroQuantology. 2022; 20. 1620-1629. 10.48047/NQ.2022.20.16. NQ88160. (Scopus indexed)
Bharaneedharan, S. Koushalyaa. A Study to Analyze the Effect of Oropharyngeal Exercise along with position and lifestyle modification for snoring; International organization of Scientifc Research. 2022; 11 (03).
Anand Babu Kaliyaperumal, Babu Subbiah, Paulraj Manickavelu, Sudhan P. Prevention Enhance Program (Pep) With Proprioceptive Training on The Recurrence of ACL Injury for Post-ACL Reconstruction Among Football Players. NeuroQuantology. 2022; 20. 143-148. 10.48047/nq.2022.20.19. NQ99014. (Scopus indexed)
T, Jonah Seddons. Correlation between grip strength and range of motion (MCP & PIP) in functional scoring of Hand for diabetic Patients; International Journal of Dental and Medical Sciences Research. Sept-Oct 2021; 3 (5): 746-75.
Simulia Dhinju Benjamin, Paulraj Manickavelu, Harithra S. Significance of Cervical Flexors Strength Training Using EMG Bio-feedback on Forward Head Posture among College Students. Indian Journal of Physiotherapy and Occupational Therapy 2021. 10.37506/ijpot.v15i2.14521.
Anandbabu Kaliyaperumal, Dharani J., Neelamegam Dharani, “Comparison between Indian and western toilet user on hamstring and ankle flexibility among housewives” – International Journal of Physical Education Sports Management and Yogic Sciences, July 2021, Volume: 11, Issue: 2 pages: (13 – 22), Print ISSN: 2231-1394. Online ISSN: 2278-795X.
Bharaneedharan, Physiotherapy role in Mucopolysaccharidoses – A Case Report: International journal of yoga, Physiotherapy and Physical Education. 2021; 6 (5): 20-22.
Simulia Dhinju Benjamin, Paulraj Manickavelu, Manjula K. Impact of Pinch Strength Training along with Postural Education on Upper Extremity Functional Performance among Dentist. International Journal of Health Sciences and Research. 2021; 11. 241-247. 10.52403/ijhsr.20210539. (Web of Science – Publons database )
R, T. Bharaneedharan, Karunakaran. K, Sayeeswari. S. Effectiveness of Posterior femoral glide technique for Ilipsoas pain and tightness in contemporary dancers. International Journal of Science and Research. April 2021; 10 (4): 213 – 217.
Paulraj Manickavelu, Deepika Shristhudhi S, Supriya K Vinod, Anand Babu Kaliyaperumal. “Effectiveness of PNF of Respiration to Improve the Exercise Capacity in Patients with COPD: A Pilot Study.” International Journal of World Research. 2017; 1-6.
Paulraj Manickavelu, Supriya K Vinod. Perception of Quality of Life and Health Status in Individuals with Lower Limb Lymphedema Following Filariasis. Asia Pacific Journal of Research. 2017; 97-100.
Beulah Jebakani D, Sethu Gowri,Pahinian Arumugam, Tipandjan Arun, Megala Devi. R. Effects of therapeutic exercise on pain and psychological wellbeing in patients with knee osteoarthritis. Indian Journal of Physiotherapy and Occupational Therapy – An International Journal. 2015; 9(1): 142-147. (Scopus Indexed).
Beulah Jebakani, Gowri Sethu, Arumugam Pahinian, R. Megala Devi, Sashidharan Kotian & Larissa Martha Sams. Effects of Therapeutic Exercises on Pain and Physical Disability in Adults with Knee Osteoarthritis. 2015; Asian Journal of Scientific Research, 8, 74-79. (Scopus Indexed).
T, Saidharshini. K. Prevalence of Hand dysfunction among computer professionals using Jebsen Taylor Hand function test in Puducherry region. International journal of science and Research. December 2020; 9 (12): 1509 – 1514.
Paulraj Manickavelu, Supriya K Vinod. A Study to Assess the Effects of Different Body Positions on Lung Function in Geriatrics. IOSR Journal of Nursing and Health Science (IOSR-JNHS), 2020; 9(3), 32-38. 10.9790/1959-0903023238
Anand Babu Kaliyaperumal, Paulraj Manickavelu, Simulia Dhinju Benjamin. The Effect of Structured Exercise Protocol on Pain Intensity and Pain Copying Strategy for The Subjects with Dysmenorrhea. IOSR Journal of Dental and Medical Sciences. 2020; 54-60. 10.9790/0853-1909015460.
Paulraj Manickavelu, Ranjani R, Simulia Dhinju Benjamin. Combination of Interoceptive Exposure Exercise and Aerobic Exercise on Anxiety Severity among College Students. Journal of Exercise Science and Physiotherapy 2019; doi:10.18376/jesp/2019/v15/i2/153521.
Veena Kirthika. S, Selvaraj Sudhakar, Padmanabhan. K, Mohan Kumar. G, Senthil Kumar. N, Vijayakumar. M, T. Effectiveness of Kinesio Taping on Balance and Functional Performance in Subjects with Plantar Fasciitis. Research J. Pharm. and Tech 2018; 11(10): 4671-4674.
Bharaneedharan. Does the Y-Balance test predict lower extremity injury among Volleyball Players? Research Journal of Pharmacy and Technology; 2018; 11 (4): 1584-1587.
Sivachidambaram Kulandaivelan, Nisha Tigdania, Mahamed Ateef, Rekha Chaturvedi, Shabnam Joshi, Anisha Malik & Pahinian A. Prevalence of knee pain and its correlates with specific emphasis on CVD risk factors in Hisar urban population – International Journal of Clinical Rheumatology. 2017; 12(4): 091-096.
Paulraj Manickavelu, Supriya K Vinod. Assessment of Relationship Between Sleep Pattern and Academic Performance Among College Students. – A Cross-Sectional Study Design. Asia Pacific Journal of Research 2017; 2347-4793.
Manjula, Prof. A. Pahinian, G. PremKumari. Measurement of Proprioception in Anterior Cruciate Ligament Deficit Knee Using Postural Sway Meter – A Case Series. International Journal of Pharma and Biosciences. 2017 Apr; 8(2): 72-77.